""The geological mapping of the sheets 366 “Palombara Sabina” and 375 “Tivoli” (1: 50.000 scale; CARG Project; in preparation) allowed the revision of the structural setting of the westernmost portion of this part of the Neogene fold-and-thrust belt of the Central Apennines.. The area comprises the Cornicolani, Lucretili, eastern Sabini, Tiburtini, Ruffi and Prenestini Mts (Latium region). Most of the area (Cornicolani, Lucretili and Tiburtini Mts) is made of the pre-orogenic deposits (Upper Triassic-Serravallian) referred to the calcareous-marly-siliceous Sabina Succession, that were accumulated in the southern part of the Umbria-Marche-Sabina Pelagic Basin (Sabina Domain), proximal to the Latium-Abruzzi Carbonate Platform. In general, in ...